Author: Project Management Planet

Don’t Let Your Process Hide Your Ignorance

Most software projects involve doing something new about which we’re ignorant, which brings uncertainty. Our brains aren’t comfortable with that, so we have to make conscious effort to stop pretending to be certain when we’re not!

Software Development Contracts and Contract Disputes

At the beginning of a contract for a software development project, everything often goes swimmingly. The client loves you and you get paid on time, every time. Then, after a few issues or delays, the contract can go a little bit off the rails.

Getting Your Software Project Off the Ground

So your software development project is just getting started. Or maybe you’re just about to embark on a new release. Or new members just joined the team. What now? The attention and enthusiasm in your project will never be higher than now. This talk shows how to get the most...

Moving Beyond Traditional PMO with Kanban

Even though traditional models and assumptions represent thinking that originated in the 1890s with Taylor (fixation on efficiency and utilisation) and Gantt (of Gantt chart fame) they seem remarkably impervious to change. Our problem is that we need to change otherwise we can never achieve true business agility.

Motivation is the Key to Results in Software Development

Ever wondered why your software development team just don’t seem to have fun at work, why everyone always seems to be late for meetings by at least one minute.Most people believe motivation comes from paying people more money, is this the only way?

Embrace the Super Team

Have you ever worked in a software development super team? The kind of team where the process is the natural flow of the team. Everyone on the team working on his or her parts of the project and it all comes together as one perfect whole. Discussions flow easily, decisions...