Tagged: agile


From Good to Great: Agile Team Facilitation

Working in collaborative, self-organizing Agile software development teams can be challenging. It is important that all team members understand the group dynamics involved and how to effectively facilitate these sessions.


People as the Source of Business Agility

Successful Agile businesses such as Spotify and Netflix have become the example for those on a business agility journey. The secret ingredient they all share… people… more specifically, a mission built around people.

Project Management: Waterfall, Agile & Hybrid Approaches

This video outlines three main approaches to software development project management: Waterfall, Agile and Hybrid. When planning and executing a project, it is important to make sure you are using the appropriate Project Management methodology to best meet your project objectives.

Book Review: Balancing Agility and Discipline

Book Review: Balancing Agility and Discipline

This book was written in 2004 by Barry Boehm and Richard Turner, but the fact that it is already on its 6th reprint tells something about its value. This is a very pragmatic book that tries to put in perspective agile and plan-driven software development approaches.

Minimum Viable Process

Eric Ries defines a Minimum Viable Product as the version of a new product which allows a team to collect the maximum amount of validated learning about customers with the least effort. Using the Minimum Viable Product concept is valuable, but its effectiveness is often hampered by excessive process.

Scaling Agile: The Small-is-Beautiful of Hubs

Scaling agile is all the rage these days, and especially popular with laggard adopters who want to broaden their management span of control. Most scaling frameworks are just classical military hierarchies suitable to command-and-control: in a suitably arranged organization of 625 people, the average number of communication hops between any...

The Agile Project Stakeholder Engagement Canvas

Stakeholder engagement is critical in agile projects. Agile project managers, business analysts, product owners, Scrum masters as well as agile teams must plan their approach to collaborate well with stakeholders and build productive working relationships.