Author: Project Management Planet

Why is Coffee Important in Software Development Projects?

Why is Coffee Important in Software Development Projects?

We have all heard of phrases such as “Let’s walk and talk”, “Give me your elevator pitch” or “Let’s get a coffee”. When someone comes up to you and says “let’s get a coffee”, you instinctively know that you are about to have a conversation with this person.

Book Review: Competitive Engineering by Tom Gilb

Competitive Engineering

In a period where the trend is to follow agile approaches with condensed guidance (see the 12 principles of the Agile Manifesto for instance), it could seem strange to publish a book on software development with more than 500 dense pages. You should however not be frightened by the book...

Introduction to Stakeholder Interviews in Software Projects

Stakeholder interviews drive successful stakeholder engagement and give us an understanding of our software development project’s landscape. This understanding can help us navigate obstacles before they arise and keep everyone engaged and supportive.

Sensible Defaults for Software Project Managers

Many software developers promoted to project managers take time to build skills in people management and are given little in the way of guidelines. There is no tech best-practice for how to hire, review performance, grow careers or promote.

Book Review: The Incremental Commitment Spiral Model

The Incremental Commitment Spiral Model

The Incremental Commitment Spiral Model (ICSM) book is based on the initial work of Barry Boehm about the Spiral Model in 1988. According to the authors, ” Most of the problems in using the 1988 spiral model stemmed from users looking at the diagram and constructing processes that had nothing...

Book Review: Mastering the Requirements Process

In an era where managing requirements could seem to be limited to writing user stories with a “as a … I want … so that” format on a post-it, it could be strange to publish a 500 pages book on this topic. However, people that want to improve their knowledge...