Category: Videos

Transforming to Agile PMO

This video shares some key ‘waste’ areas within organizations and some ideas for how the PMO can focus their efforts on addressing these areas with special attention on limiting the number of projects in execution at one time.

Sustainable, Successful and Repeatable

This presentation shows how to use Strategy and Tactic (S&T) trees as the basis for our implementations. It focuses on a few case studies allowing participants to use basic S&T tree in their own environment to either catalyze or re-energize their agile implementation.

Social Contracts

This video presents the social contract. It contains a set of rules a team agrees to, that are above and beyond what their basic project roles and responsibilities mandate. It consolidates everyone’s understanding of how the team will behave and interact. The contract can differ from project to project.

Stakeholder Analysis

This video explains the importance and usage of a stakeholder analysis in project management.

Interlocking Roles in Agile

This video explores the interlocking roles in Agile software development projects: Agile Coach, Product Owner and Agile Manager.

Teamwork and Collaboration

In this video, Cisco CEO John Chambers explains how abandoning command-and-control leadership has enabled the company to innovate more quickly, using collaboration and teamwork.

Time Management

Carnegie Mellon Professor Randy Pausch gives a lecture on Time Management at the University of Virginia and teaches how to set priorities in you projects… and your life.