Category: Videos

From Good to Great: Agile Team Facilitation

Working in collaborative, self-organizing Agile software development teams can be challenging. It is important that all team members understand the group dynamics involved and how to effectively facilitate these sessions.

People as the Source of Business Agility

Successful Agile businesses such as Spotify and Netflix have become the example for those on a business agility journey. The secret ingredient they all share… people… more specifically, a mission built around people.

Introduction to Stakeholder Interviews in Software Projects

Stakeholder interviews drive successful stakeholder engagement and give us an understanding of our software development project’s landscape. This understanding can help us navigate obstacles before they arise and keep everyone engaged and supportive.

Sensible Defaults for Software Project Managers

Many software developers promoted to project managers take time to build skills in people management and are given little in the way of guidelines. There is no tech best-practice for how to hire, review performance, grow careers or promote.

Prioritize Software Projects Requirements with MOSCOW

Navigating the complexities of prioritizing software development project requirements can pose a challenge for any project team. This video will guide you through the highly effective MOSCOW approach, enabling you to master the art of prioritization and fruitful discussions of project requirements.