Author: Project Management Planet

Unfucking Feedback in Project Teams

Feedback sucks. It is horrible to give inside a project team, it can be painful to receive – even when it is praise, we are still uncomfortable. It is a problem, because if members of a software development team can’t give effective feedback to each other, and if we can’t...

Self-Governing Teams With Sociocracy for All

Are you interested in learning more about self-managing teams and how to share authority within an organization? This talk discusses the basic patterns and processes of Sociocracy for All, a system of self-governance that can be used in combination with Agile practices to scale self-organization across all decisions made in...

Liftoff - Launching Agile Teams & Projects

Book Review: Liftoff – Launching Agile Teams & Projects

You have only one chance to make a good first impression. You might have also only one chance to start your project in a good context. Actually not, but the book “Liftoff – Launching Agile Teams & Projects” from Diana Larsen and Ainsley Nies will give you all the material...

Five Reflections for Modern Leadership

Why are we as leaders drawn to the simple and quick solutions? Answers over questions? This presentation is a little journey of reflection and discovery for modern leaders. You already know this: The world is constantly changing.

Book Review: Balancing Agility and Discipline

Book Review: Balancing Agility and Discipline

This book was written in 2004 by Barry Boehm and Richard Turner, but the fact that it is already on its 6th reprint tells something about its value. This is a very pragmatic book that tries to put in perspective agile and plan-driven software development approaches.

Minimum Viable Process

Eric Ries defines a Minimum Viable Product as the version of a new product which allows a team to collect the maximum amount of validated learning about customers with the least effort. Using the Minimum Viable Product concept is valuable, but its effectiveness is often hampered by excessive process.