Project Management for Software Development

Agile Project Management Adoption Obstacles

“I’ve personally witnessed several failed agile adoptions that could have been prevented. The first was in a company that had spent more than a million dollars on its transition effort. Executives brought in outside trainers and coaches and hired five people into an “Agile Office” to which new Scrum teams...

How to Manage Programmers

In his blog post “How to Manage Programmers” Tuomas Pelkonen discuss how to deal with programmers in a software project. Everybody knows that programmers are probably the hardest people to manage, because the way they work is so different from the norm. The things that are important to them are...

Project Sociology: Identifying and involving the stakeholders

The major factor that affects the success of a project is having the right people involved in the right subjects at the right time. We recognise the need to identify the project’s stakeholders and to find ways of appropriately involving them throughout the life of the project. The stakeholders are...

How Many People Do You Need?

“We regularly coach groups that ask, “How can we calculate how many people we will need?” Our suggestion is, “Start with a small group of great people, and only grow when it really starts to hurt.” That rarely happens.” “Scaling Lean & Agile Development – Thinking and Organizational Tools for...

What’s the Point of Points?

One of the earliest changes we tried out that got the agile snowball rolling was estimating using points rather than hours or days (or weeks…). Estimating in points though is a weird thing. It doesn’t seem to make a lot of sense at first. It’s really quite hard to explain...

Agile, Multidisciplinary Teamwork

The article “Agile, Multidisciplinary Teamwork” by Gautam Ghosh presents techniques and tools used to create requirements with a team composed of the different participants of agile projects.